Costs to Expect API
A flexible Open Source REST API that is the backbone of the Costs to Expect Service.
- Open Source
We benefit from countless Open Source projects, this is one of our ways of giving back to the community.
- Flexible
Initially designed to track expenses, our API has grown, it is capable of tracking almost anything these days.
- Powerful
Our API is scalable, we designed it knowing where we were going later, we designed it knowing it would need to scale.
- Open
If you don't want to use our products, you are free to use our API with your own products or other products which use our API.
- Configurable
Everything is configurable, data types, validation, limits, check the config folder on GitHub to see the configuration options.
- Multilingual
Designed to be multilingual, all messages are processed via language files so the API can easily speak in any language.
Budget Pro (alpha)
Budget Pro is Budget on steroids - it's everything you love about Budget improved in every way. More viewing options, more controls, you name it.

A free powerful easy to use open source budgeting tool powered by the Costs to Expect API. A budgeting tool so easy to use, it’s child play!

Yahtzee Game Scorer
A fun little project powered by the Costs to Expect API, no more designated scorer, everyone gets a score sheet

Yatzy Game Scorer
We built Yahtzee so figured why not build Yatzy as well. We haven't yet decided which version of the game we enjoy more.

Social Experiment
We are running a social experiment where we are tracking the costs to raise a child in the UK.